Community Media Crew Group
Learning disability activities Manchester
'We Are Here' funded by Awards For All Lottery Fund
This is an Amazing Project thanks to Awards For All Lottery Fund. We have managed to capture a candid insight to what people think and have experienced in their lives. These films are designed to educate and inform the public throughout the World. The films are about people with mixed abilities such as Downs, Autism, Aspergers, Cerebral Palsy - and more.
Charlie Gooding wanted to show this film which is about his past depression and finding faith - we were worried about showing this film, but thought it is possibly a film that will help people with similar problems, enabling them to find support mechanisms. Well done Charlie!
Darren Cooper talks about his very serious past health problems and how happy his now that he has become a Lead Actor in 2 feature films - we see clips from these films too.
Charlie Gooding discusses his life experiences and how he became an Actor taking the lead roles in 2 feature films. There is another of Charlie's films on this page discussing health issues.
Hugh Keane is an Actor in 2 feature films, he discusses his work and driving force.
Anustan Rajasegaran discusses his acting career so far with Charlie Gooding
Ben Singh is an Actor in 2 feature films, he discusses his work and his love for his family.
Carly Ryan is a very talented Singer and Actor, here Carly discusses her acting in 2 feature films and her singing in New York.
John Hendrickson discusses a Book he has co-written about his life. John has also acted in our 2 feature films 'Charlie's Crew' and 'Priceless' see on of John's scenes here (link to be added soon)
Clare Cooper remembers where her family came from in India. has also acted in our 2 feature films 'Charlie's Crew' and 'Priceless' see on of Ian's scenes here (link to be added soon)
Pauline Hendrickson remembers meeting John Hendrickson a long time ago. Pauline enjoys attending the Community Media Crew and she has friends that welcome her.
Ian Fariley chats about his interest in acting and camera work. Ian has also acted in our 2 feature films 'Charlie's Crew' and 'Priceless'. Ian is featured prominently in the Trailer for 'Charlie's Crew'
Donavan Woodbridge loves Manchester City and Acting.
Liam Robbins loves Manchester United and he has become an Actor in feature films. He discusses what he enjoys in life.
Hugh, Charlie and Bernard discuss their love for acting and friendship and feel pleased with their acting in 2 feature films.
Christina Kitromiledes and Phillp Ludlaim are good friends and they love chatting about their favourite comedy programmes on TV.
Bernard, Ben and Hugh are good friends, discussing friendship.
Clare, Ian, Liam, Bernard, Charlie around the table chatting about friendship and their involvement in film making as Actors.
Bernard Reilly speaks with his friend Charlie Gooding about enjoying holidays when he was younger.
Dennis Lewis chats about his interests which include camera work and acting. He also has a keen interest in marching and brass band music.
Robert Shaw chats to Charlie Gooding. They have fun discussing Robert's interests and his acting in feature films.